Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Drunky Drunk part 2

I previously posted our little recipe for Drunken Thai Noodles. They are delicious and I encourage you to make them! Mmm, turkey and peppers and onions and garlic and ginger and and soy and hoisin and noodles!

Play around with the ingredients. Don't like meat...try a veg combo? Want shrimp? Try it!

Tonight I wanted to make these as I haven't made them in a long time and thought they would be tasty and simple for a lazy night. We're both exhausted after a busy few nights.

I had some better set up photos but they were all blurry...mmm, it's soo good.

Last night when we were coming back from dinner in Baltimore, someone decided they didn't need to yield when merging into our lane...crunch! Ugh...but all is fine and good and our little doll will be brought in to be fixed up next week.


Stef said...

Oh, poor pretty baby! But I'm so glad you guys are okay.... damn SUV drivers!

Anonymous said...
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Barbara said...

So sorry to see your car all dinged up.

My hubby and I just had Drunken Noodles this evening for dinner at Rabieng! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna try this next week. My wife hates her pasta mixed with anything else, but i mean, come on: "Drunken" is in the title..