Thursday, May 31, 2007


More updates on this weekend shindig. Our main dish was Tinga Poblano with Chicken. A tasty, smokey, spicy, low-cooked chicken dish that is great on the plate, a tortilla, a quesadilla, a crusty bun or with a pile of rice. I made WAY TO MUCH.

You've seen what we had for dessert! Or was the Sangria dessert?

Here are the sides we served:

J-lo made this Black Bean Confetti Salad. The recipe is from Smitten Kitchen. I know he had some notes. A little more salt. Some hot sauce in the dressing. Maybe some else, but I'll let him pipe in.

I made my fresh Pico de Gallo. Lots for fresh tomatoes, diced onions, a couple jalepeno, wee bit of minced garlic, salt, pepper, lime juice and cilantro! Let it sit for awhile for the flavors to make naughty together! Be generous with the lime and salt.

And it wouldn't be a proper Latin feast without Gaucamole. Sorry, but I must say it!!!! YUM-O!


  1. For the salad, I just thought it needed a little more spice, so it got extra salt, pepper and a few drops of hot sauce mixed in.

    It's best made the night before, as the salt starts to break down the beans, and adds a little "juice" to the salad.

    It keeps really well - I've been eating it for days. The peppers really retain their crunch.

  2. I want to bathe in the pico de poopoo. It's so freaking good.

  3. I was sitting next to Joyous bathing in the guacamole. All hail avocado!

    And yeah, the chicken was DEE-lish!

  4. Was Joyous eating Gauc?! She doesn't like avocado. I think it was the Pico she wanted to bathe in.

  5. Wait...there's Joyous' comment...she called my pico poo poo? Grrrl, you watch out!

  6. Hee hee, I thought the poopoo was funny. I was bathing in guac, Joyous was in the pico. Not the poopoo.
