Monday, July 17, 2006

The Un-Jelly

I took the juicy berries I picked yesterday and made jelly last night. Well, it didn't really it's more of a very delicious fruit sauce. I've had it several times so far on toast and it will be amazing on ice cream....and maybe pancakes instead of syrup.

My one dozen jars of mixed fruit "jelly"...90% tart cherries, 5% blueberries and 5% raspberries; 100% delicious.


  1. Those little jars are adorable! I really wish I would've tasted one of your tart cherries. Mmm, naughty. :-)

    I've had blueberries and raspberries over vanilla ice cream the past 2 nights, and I couldn't be happier.

  2. The interesting thing is the cherries are not very "aggressive" so the blueberry and raspberry flavors come out nicely.

  3. I put the 'jelly' over ice cream last night and I almost had to change my pants. It was that freaking good. It was so freaking good I have to use the word freaking.
