Monday, July 17, 2006


Ms. Rachel has her new talk show coming this fall. I wish her well, but caution her about the market saturation with her name and image and brand. She has what 10 shows on the Food Network, a magazine, 15+ books, line of kitchen utensils and now this show.

Careful Ray Ray, I don't want to see you fizzle too soon.


  1. Some would say the oversaturation is already. Poor Ray Ray.

  2. I don't think I could take a talk show with Rachael since so many of her mannerisms already irk me, like...."yummo," or "EVVO." Food Network will shove her down our throats until we spit it back out. Bam.

  3. I agree...she has already been oversaturated. But if this is done right, it won't be too bad...unless you're a freak like me a watch FN every day.

    I wish we could have some old Rachel back...she was calm and more relaxed...her show was more enjoyable. Now she's a complete nut case and causes me to yell at her everytime I see her on TV.

  4. I agree, she's so much more enjoyable in some her early re-runs. Quiet, calm, just a normal chick. The gestures and the exclamations and the giggling has gotten to be too much.

    But she'll *never* inspire the rage in me that I feel when watching Ms. Sandra Lee. Oh, a tablescape was bad enough... but when I saw her all-tangerine POOLSCAPE I almost threw my shoe at the tv. HATE.

  5. I'm going to one of Ray's favorite eateries today, Pastis, for a girlfriend's b-day. Curious about how it will stack up after hearing about it on the show. I heard on that on her talk show she's going to engage guests in "physical challenges" - what the heck is that? PUT AWAY THE RITALIN, RAY RAY - you're doin' fine on your own!
