Monday, October 19, 2020

Who in the What?

Ha! This blog has been stagnant for over 8 years. Lots of changes in the world. Including but not limited to the Coronavirus Pandemic. While the shit has been hitting the fan, we've been pretty well quanrantined for the past 7 months. And will pretty much be quarantined until...well...we'll see. Not sure what, if anything will come of this site, whether I will relaunch it, reinvigorate it. No matter what happens, future visitors, please accept my apologies for my boring writing, typos and mistakes, and all that jazz. But I won't apologize for NOT having 8000 pop up ads and videos when you're just looking for a recipe.

1 comment:

  1. Still being used obviously - I came here to take a look at your fruity fried rice recipe.
