Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Market Bliss

I have never been to Wegman's, but I understand it is foodie Nirvana! I'm very excited. Since we moved Eat With Me headquarters in February 2008 we have been hearing of the arrival of a nearby Wegman's. Two year's later we have a clearer idea of when that will be.

October 2010 in Landover/Largo, Maryland.

I'm very excited. I'm guessing I'll need a new job to afford my new grocery bills!


  1. Yes. You are going to think you've died and gone to heaven. Seriously. And if you want the real scoop on Wegman's, ask anyone from Rochester, NY - you'll get an EARful.

  2. Frankly, anything will be better than the shopping options I have now...

  3. We did a pilgrimage to the Wegmans in Fairfax. It was incredible. The great thing was that you had the high and organic variety of a Whole Foods along with the regular supermarket experience (reasonable prices included) of a Safeway. The way that turns out is that you can get foie gras and dungeness crab and then go buy some cheapo toilet paper and Lucky Charms in the same trip.

  4. Okay, so I grew up next door to Buffalo, NY's original Wegman's. Yes, you should take your heart medication or have a stiff drink before you go - you will be overwhelmed with excitement, love, anticipation as to what awaits you on each aisle.

    I took Mia there while we were in Buffalo this past fall - I almost couldn't get her to leave.

  5. Wegmans is my happy place.
