Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting the most from the goods...

If you read something on the interwebz, it must be true right? Sure!

Here's an interesting, short article I saw online about bioavailability...getting the most nutrients out of your food. Your body only absorbs so much of the good stuff on its own. Sometimes with a little extra something something, you get more bang for your buck!!! For example, if you cook your tomatoes, the cooking process makes more lycopene available to your body, you do lose some vitamin C though. If you add black pepper, the chemicals there help more stuff make it into your system.

Some good tips. If nothing else, it's interesting...
Bioavailability: How to Get More Nutrients from Your Food

1 comment:

  1. Why that's just crazy enough to work! I wonder if I like pepper because I "like" pepper or if my body subconsciously knows that cooked tomatoes (a mainstay of this italians diet) are better with it... hmmmmmm. Conspiracies, everywhere! :)
