Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Grill Fail

Well...another night of attempting the grill. Another night of the grill not working out. I gingerly placed my charcoal in the kettle. Added the starter, lit it up. Whoosh. Flames! Start seeing gray ash on the charcoal. Then it stopped. The hot area--about three coals, kept burning...the rest stopped. So I started them again...repeat. Then it stopped again...Repeat...

Three attempts to get the charcoal hot. Fail. In all that time...the three coals that were going...burned out...done. Over.

So I moved inside to fry up the chops and make a quick corn saute for dinner. Tasty. The chops were flavored with 2 tsp cumin, 1 tsp coriander, 1 tsp salt and heavy pinches of cayenne pepper, black pepper and onion and garlic powders. This was rubbed into olive oil coated chops. Cooked for a few minutes per side. Remove to a plate. The frozen corn was tossed into the same pan with a TB of butter. Saute for 2-3 minutes until cooked through. Squeeze a lime onto the corn and sprinkle some salt. Done.

I've decided not to try grilling again until I get a charcoal chimney starter. I'm hoping this will solve the problem I've had with the charcoal not being hot enough for some things and not getting hot at all for others....and I had three meals planned this week for the grill!


  1. Scott- you can make a chimney starter out of a large coffee can. Just cut the top and bottom out and use a punch type bottle opener to punch holes around the bottom edge of the can. Use a metal coat hanger to make a handle. Be sure to put a wad of newspaper at the bottom to act as kindling for the charcoal....worked really well at GS camp...hope it works for you too. Good luck

  2. Kingsford instant light charcoal in a mound.

  3. http://www.kingsford.com/products/product_1.htm
