Thursday, November 08, 2007

Rock star

Anthony Bourdain is pretty much a rock star anyway you look at it, considering he's not actually a rock star. And last night I had the pleasure of sitting with a few thousand of Tony's best friends in the DC metro area at George Washington University's Lisner Auditorium.

Mr. Bourdain (he'd smack me upside the head for that) is out on tour promoting his book, No Reservations: Around the World on an Empty Stomach, a companion piece to his ever popular Travel Channel series, No Reservations.

The audience was treated with a few clips of the series, interspersed with comments and stories by Tony. The presentation was fun, but I'm biased and went in to the presentation knowing I was going to like it, but where the evening soared was the extended Q&A Tony had in the audience. I've been to a few author discussions before, but none as much fun as this. With his unabashed style and bravado, Tony took on all types of questions from what's the grossest thing he's eaten to his experience shooting his TV show in Beirut when the bombings started in 2006 and everything in between. Of course there was lots of laughter and applause--mostly reserved for commentary on Sandra Lee (the hell spawn of Charles Manson and Betty Crocker) and Rachel Ray (compared to a charging Rhino)!

A great evening and my respect for Mr. Bourdain continues to rise--Kitchen Confidential and Nasty Bites have both been savoured, I'll need to move on to another book when I finish this one.


  1. Even the fact that my @ss barely fit in the Lisner's tiny seats didn't hinder my enjoyment of him. I want to be his friend. I want to drink with him. I want to eat things off his body.

  2. That looks like a sweet spa.

  3. Hello love! First of all ~ lucky bastards who get to see Mr. Hottie Bourdain...hate you all! Second of all ~ tried out your "Hot Packet" recipe the other night with my own little twist. Delicious!!! Hope you have a great Turkey Day Feast in a few weeks, I too shall be sweating my arss off in the kitchen...we'll be like twins!
