Friday, November 02, 2007

It's good for you right? Blueberries ARE healthy!

This past weekend we headed to C&S's for brunch. Good brunch. We enjoyed pie. Then last night C&S joined us for homemade pizza and games at our place. We enjoyed more pie. Mr. C brought one of the two pies he made last weekend. This was the better of the two! So good in fact, I had a second slice...and I have the whole second half of a pie waiting for me to enjoy this weekend!

Here's the adjusted/tweaked recipe:

UPDATED: some ingredients listed were corrected from original posting

Blueberry Cream Pie
Blend the following ingredients together until smooth; 4-5 minutes by hand, less with electric mixer:
1 cup sour cream
1 cup cream cheese
2 eggs
2 TB flour
¾ cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
¼ tsp salt

Gently fold in the following:
3 cups frozen or fresh blueberries

Pour the filling into a 9-inch pie shell (frozen, prepared or homemade)

Bake at 400 for 25-30 minutes.

Combine in a blender (until fine texture), the following to make the topping:
2 TB sugar
¼ cup chopped pecans

Remove pie from the oven. Spinkle with the topping over the pie. Return to the oven and bake for 10 minutes longer. Let cool.

Chill before serving. Serve with whipped cream.

Serves 8 to 10


  1. Wow, my pie has made the blog, I am so honored! I want to thank my partner S and my friends S and J without whom none of this would have been possible. But most of all I want to thank all of the little people in the world, with out whom I could never feel so tall. Thank you all, it's so nice to know that you like my pie, you really like my pie! Please remember to support your local homosexuals and everyone please practice population control. Thank you.

  2. Oh you silly silly man.

    I just ate a giant slice of delicious pie. So good. And something I like about it; I don't feel like I just woofed down a giant piece of pie.
