Friday, August 10, 2007


Who has a question?

I'm going to be travelling incognito for a few days and will be away from Eat With Me during that time.

Sooooo, I'm turning the blog over to you. In the comment section, ask me related questions would be appropriate. What's my favorite dish? What did I have most often growing up? When did I start cooking? Stuff like that. Virtually* all questions will be answered.

I should be back on Tuesday, August 14, so keep the questions coming until then!

*Please note that inappropriate or rude questions will be ingnored.


  1. What is your least favorite type of food?
    Are you allergic to any foods?
    What kind of things do you take into consideration when cooking for you and your partner? Are there foods you shy away from because you know he will not like them?
    What would you like to try to make that you never have?
    Do you wish that you lived somewhere that had a better selection of stores to buy exotic ingredients?
    What are the essentials that you believe every kitchen should have as far as pots, pans, and electric devices?
    How do you really feel about Martha Stewart?
    Have you ever considered dumping your current profession and becoming a chef?
    What is your favorite Breakfast potato?
    Do you believe that you can eat healthy and be a great cook?
    If you could go anywhere in the world for dinner, where would you go? Why?
    Do you believe that most foods are better with little or no seasoning or do you believe that most foods need some sort of embellishment?
    Does being lactose intolerant impair your ability to enjoy great foods?
    Do you believe that your diet or the stress level in your life has a larger bearing on your immediate health?
    If you won the lottery tomorrow and never had to work again a day in your life, what would you do with the rest of your life?

  2. Darn, the last commenter asked exactly the same questions I had for you.

    But I did have one they didn't ask. What is your idea of the perfect dinner?

  3. If you could invite any 4 people, living or dead to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?

  4. What do you consider the most erotic food? What food really gets your motor revving?

  5. What deal did you strike with the devil to be so damn handsome?

  6. Is that your chocolate in my peanut butter? Or is that my peanut butter in your chocolate?
