Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mama* needs a cocktail...

...and what's better and more mama friendly than a
Chocolate Martini

Pay no mind to the brands, its what I can get cheap & good (Ryan's cream), or what my local liquor store has (Cask & Cream),...but gather your ingredients: vanilla vodka, Irish cream, chocolate cream liquor, chocolate syrup and heavy cream. Gather your equipment; martini glass, cocktail shaker and jigger. And you need Ice!

Fill your cocktail shaker with ice. Measure your booze. For two cocktails add two jiggers each of the vodka, Irish cream and chocolate liquor. Add half a jigger of cream and a squirt of chocolate syrup. Cover and shake!

If you want to be fancy...and why should you not be fancy...drizzle some chocolate syrup into the glass, then gently poor your cocktail in your glass. Cheers.

*...and by "Mama" of course I mean me!


  1. omg i've been hoping for one of those.

  2. God, that looks delicious. They were totally my poison in 2005... I think I had like 11 of them on my 30th birthday!
