Monday, July 30, 2007

This weekend belonged to chicken

Saturday night we did a little Julia Child and had Supremes de Volaille Achiduc with Risotto w/leeks. What a tasty treat. Except I flubbed a bit and measured out the wrong amounts of a few ingredients. No worries, I altered the rest and all was good and well with the world.

On Sunday I had a chicken thawed out to roast. I had no ideas what to do with it. I ultimately came up with what I'm calling Pollo Verde....Green Chicken. Stay tuned for the full recipe, but what we have is a chicken coated in a paste made from all green ingredients: Cilantro, Jalapeno and Lime. It was pretty dang tasty!

Green for now.

Not green anymore. Served with roasted root veg.

This would have been awesome if I had marinated the chicken for a few hours...and if it was grilled! But alas, we have no grill.

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