Monday, March 12, 2007


Hello all, remember me...?? So last week started fine. Tuesday morning I developed a nasty cough and shortly after making the yummy hamantaschen I said "To be honest, I don't feel that great." Short while later I had a 100 degree fever and kept a fever between 100-102 throughout Wednesday. Thursday and Friday I was better, but certainly not good enough to do anything creative. Some simple turkey and rice on Thursday. Friday was some garlic/olive oil on pasta with some of the extra turkey. Saturday I had a bit of an appetite and we ventured out to the Virginia burbs to spend some time with the cutie Princess Anna and her parents. Sunday yet again, a little better. Still have the 'death rattle' cough, but over am pretty much operational. I allowed myself a relaxed recuperation! If I don't burn out today I have plans for something tasty for dinner and will share!

Hope you all had a great weekend.


  1. I blame it on too much Purim celebrating.

  2. Hasn't this been a terrible season for colds and other ailments! Geesh.....We had a stomach virus hit the library staff, which I caught. This was followed by a sinus infection and two colds......
    Spring, where are you?

  3. I'm sorry you were sick! I hope this nice weather helps your recuperation. But then I heard it will be cold again at the weekend.... aaargh!
