Monday, January 22, 2007

Loosely Interpreted Puddin'

I needed a sweet last night after a less than yummy dinner.

I had leftover rice. Heavy cream. Hot fudge. OK.

Warm the heavy cream in the small saucepan with a tsp or two of sugar. Add a heaping tsp of this amazing hot fudge sauce that came back with us from Michigan. Oh, a wee pinch of salt. When at a light simmer add your rice. Stir to incorporate. Pour into a bowl. Indulge.

Warm Chocolate Rice "Pudding!"

I could eat another bowl...and maybe I'll make more rice, just to have 'leftover' rice for more!

I say "Pudding" because I think a real rice pudding had egg in it and is allowed to set up and get thicker, more custard like. Perhaps as I play around with this, I'll give it a try.

This website says some puddings have egg and some don't. Very well then!

1 comment:

  1. I made rice pudding this past fall with Arborio rice. It was so #*&%^ good. (and it had eggs in it)

    If you want to see the recipe (and a pic, of course), go to my blog index for Oct 2006.
