Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Keeping it real

Image from here.

I was over at Tigers & Strawberries this morning reading an article by Barbara Fisher on the ethics of food blogging and recipe sharing and copyrights, etc. A nice post! If you have the time, give it a read.

In terms of what happens here at Eat With Me, I think I'm pretty good at sharing where a recipe came from. If I don't know, I try to make that clear as well. I've been collecting recipes for many years and most are from the web, often I just can't remember. As far as I've known, I have never tried to pass a recipe off as my own and hope I don't.

All that said, if I share a recipe here and don't credit it, please keep me honest and ask!


  1. You are great about sharing where a recipe comes from. I discovered my profound love of Fine Cooking from you.

  2. Where'd you steal that big old graphic of a "C" from, huh?

  3. Damn, Jon beat me to it! That was my first thought - who gets the credit for the "C" - huh? huh? I'm calling the copyright police!!

  4. I've been called out...i've added the credit to the image!
