*The Northeast Native American tribes revered blueberries and much folklore developed around them. The blossom end of each berry, the calyx, forms the shape of a perfect five-pointed star; the elders of the tribe would tell of how the Great Spirit sent "star berries" to relieve the children's hunger during a famine.
*In the winter of 1620, the Pilgrims established a settlement at Plimoth (spelled Plymouth today). Many perished during the first few months, but those that survived went on to build homes and establish farms. Their neighbors, the Wampanoag Indians taught the settlers new skills that helped them survive. They showed them how to plant corn and how to gather and use native plants to supplement their food supply. One important native crop was blueberries!! The colonists learned from Native Americans how to gather blueberries, dry them under the summer's sun and store them for the winter. In time, blueberries became an important food source and were preserved, and later canned. A beverage made with blueberries was an important staple for Civil War Soldiers. In the 1880s a blueberry canning industry began in the Northeast USA.
*North America is the world's leading blueberry producer, accounting for nearly 90% of world production at the present time.
*July which is also known as National Blueberry Month
*Researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Center (HNRCA) have found that blueberries rank #1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables.
*One serving of blueberries is equal to one-half a cup.
So what's with all the silly blueberry facts? I mentioned at the end of yesterday's post that we might have created a new cocktail!!! Guess what's in it? YEP, blueberries. We were at the BLUE MOON in Rehoboth having a drink before dinner. The night before I had clementine flavored vodka and soda, a light, tasty, cool drink. When we got up to the bar at BLUE MOON, J-lo saw they had Blueberi Vodka, I wanted to keep the theme going from the night before and asked for a blueberry vodka and soda. J-lo had the same thing. The light blueberry scent gently perfumes the air before you have a sip. Tasty! But needed another flavor note, we chatted and thought a little simple syrup to help enhance the blueberry flavor. OK, sounds good, but let's go a step further and go with a touch of blueberry syrup, garnish with blueberries and a sprig of mint...Really good.
A light flavorful cocktail with just a touch of sweetness.

2-4 tsp of blueberry syrup (below)
2 oz Blueberi Stoli Vodka
Soda Water
Garnish of fresh mint leaves and fresh blueberries
To make the syrup, in a small sauce pan simmer 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup sugar, until all the sugar is dissolved. Add 1 1/2 pints of blueberries, simmer about 5 minutes or so. The blueberries will pop open and melt into the hot syrup. Let the mixture come up to a boil, carefully watch the mixture. Stir in the juice of 1/4 of a lemon. Pour the mixture through a sieve into a bowl. Gently push the pulp through the sieve. Allow the syrup to cool. Yum. And probably really good on pancakes!!!
For the drink: put the syrup in the bottom of your glass, add a few cubes of ice. Carefully pour in the vodka, top off with soda water and garnish with a sprig of mint and a few blueberries.
All the blueberry facts above lovingly ripped off from The Blueberry Council.
I have and forever will adore the blueberry. It is my favorite fruit, and may even rank as my favorite food item. Although a bit tart on their own, they add amazing flavor when cooked or added to dishes. You can even try just sprinkling them with sugar and adding a bit of milk or cream - that's how we ate them as kids!
And how can you not love a real-not-storebought bluberry pie? Not to mention blueberry cheescake, which might just approach nirvana.
This cocktail is light, refreshing, and does NOT taste like alcohol, which makes it both wonderful and dangerous! I highly recommend it, and for those who come by to visit, I guarantee we can make you one!
Giant Food was having a sale on blueberries, $1.88 for a whole pint. I'm going back today to buy some so that I can make this drink for myself!
Ok. I nominate you to host the sparkly drinks party.
Bluberry Stoli? Now i'll never be sober! ha ha
Yeah, seriously Chase. I saw that bottle and my heart leapt for joy.
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