Monday, March 27, 2006


I've feeling a wee bit doggish this morning after a touch too much wine last night. Please bear with me as I revive myself and watch for a photo filled tasty post this evening.

And if I get bored during the day and feel up to it, I have a post saved in draft mode waiting to be posted as well. But right now I need to take a nap, too bad my desk isn't equipped with the pull out hammock I've been advocating for!


  1. I understand. I think I had 6 glasses of wine myself. But, surprisingly, I'm awake and chipper today. I predict a crash at about 4 pm.

  2. The elevation of chef to celebrity/artist status has led some chefs (and some patrons) to promote the idea that food is art. Patrons of these galleries are in the presence of greatness, and the usual customer-driven business rules do not apply. Customers are not allowed to modify recipes, technique, often are denied condiments or preferred temperature.

    Share your thoughts on this. Have you had an experience where you were denied service to protect the restaurant's artistic goals? Or for another reason? Who are the local chefs on the DC scene who most typically qualify as "arteests?" Do you think the nature of dining has changed and patrons should no longer expect to determine their restaurant experience?

  3. Personally I feel it is the patrons responsibility to go with an open mind to a restaurant.

    Just like travelling, prepare to experience something new, be comfortable about it, but be willing and open to experiences you may not be familiar with.

    I have a thing about arrogant people, chefs included. I don't go for it. But they get that way for a reason, whatever it might be, legit or otherwise. However, the restaurant is their business and they should be allowed to run it how they like and if a customer doens't like it, they don't have to go back.

    Does this make sense? Does it answer your question? I can say, I rarely go to restaurants with chefs who are "known," so my views here are limited.

  4. That pic is hilarious! Great seeing you last night.

  5. What a great photo! Hope you're feeling better by now...

    Thanks for hosting last night. It was a great, and filling, time.

  6. The is the first time I haven't been hungry when viewing a picture on your blog.

    PS I pointed a bunch of other friends to your blog and they now use it as a reference site!
