Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sorry, not foodie related...

but freakin' funny...

For all Project Runway fans out there, VH1 brings us, THE TIM GUNN NETWORK!!!!


  1. OH MY GOD. This is why the internet was invented

  2. That's great! I love Tim Gunn. And Santino's one redeeming quality has been his Tim impersonations. (The reunion show featured some never-before-seen impressions: "Designers! You let me violate you. Designers! You let me desecrate you...")

  3. on Santino's website, he had set his impressions of Tim Gunn...i.e...Designers you make me violate the NIN's music of CLOSER>...OMG! !! !!!! ! Rolling on the floor!!!

  4. That is awesome. Someone call Comcast - I want TGN added to my lineup immediately!

  5. Hilarious! This second season has been wonderful, and while the designers are more vocal it has been great to watching Santino impersonate Tim.

    I caught the Project Jay episode early this morning, and thought that he was acting like an ass. Not sure if the early hour was clouding my impression, but found him more endearing in season one.
