Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Merry Mints

Say goodbye to your teeth, or make an appointment with your dentist prior to eating these melty, yummy, butter mints!

A gal pal of ours used to bring these into the office and I would eat a million, often crying with a sugar headache by the afternoon.

That said, they are yummy and a fun treat to have out at a party.

Merry Mints
makes around 4-5 dozen, depending on how you cut them

2 1/4 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 TB milk
1/8 tsp peppermint extract
3 drops of food coloring, your choice of color
"Candy Coating" (That's really what it's called and can be found either in the baking section of your store, or, where I found it in my Safeway, near the ethnic foods/Jewish section)

Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients. Blend well. Knead dough until smooth. On waxed paper, roll to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut shapes with cookie cutters, or knife. Place on waxed paper-lined cookie sheest. Cover and refrigerate until firm.

Melt candy coating according to instructions. Dip half of each mint into the coating, allow the excess to drip off, return to the waxed paper, until set. Store in a covered container.

About the candy coating: Before melting, chop it into 1/2 inch chunks and then melt quicker. If it is too hot when dipping, it will run off and form pools around the mints. If it's too cool, it will be clumpy, just re-warm in the microwave.


1 comment:

  1. Oooooh, I remember when that gal pal would bring these into the office! They were indeed meltingly delicious. They make a great holiday gift -- put 3 or 4 of them on a cute little red or green plate, cover with saran wrap and tie a ribbon or a bow. They'll love you for it!
