Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Beaujolais Nouveau

It's almost that time of year when the newest batch of Beaujolais Nouveau is released. By law the wine is not allowed to be released before the third Thursday of November. This year that happens to be November 17, a week before Thanksgiving.

I've had good bottles, I've had ass bottles and I've had amazing bottles. You never really know what it's going to be, but each year it is something I look foward to. I think last year, or the year before I bought at least a half a case.

I hope to hear about all your experiences with the Beaujolais from years past and this year! One of the largest producers, Georges Dubœuf, is saying this year's vintage is going to be really great. Take that with a grain of salt.

Generally, I find bottles of Georges Dubœuf Beaujolais Nouveau for around $10. A good value.



  1. Last year was pretty good, the year before was lousy, the year before that was amazing.

    I highly recommend just buying one bottle first and sampling it. If it's good - buy a bunch! If not, a nice Muscat will go well with your meal. :)

  2. I've never actually tried this wine, but I should check it out. I loved trying all kinds of new wines as my new "hobby" this year. Although I did learn that I'm a fan of the whites.

    On another topic, I just watched an episode of "Sugar Rush" - the new Food Network show with Warren from Cake Love. He's got a weird nasal voice and seems a little dopey. He showed a bunch of cool chocolate things and showcased a local caterer (Windows) but I'm not calling it must-see tv yet.
